Moondance 1997 Ritual

by Gil

Materials Needed:

1 candle for East - yellow
2 candles for altar - green/black & white
hawthorn leaves
hawthorn branches
black feathers

Outline circle with 20-24 candles, each in sand in a white bag. Elements, candle at East. Surround with Hawthorn branches.

On altar:
two candles, chalice of water, 4 big goblets of water, athame, bell, rag, matches, lighter, ritual, jug of water

In center:

Moondance 1997 Ritual

Roxanna, Monument Rock, 7:45
by Gil

Chant as people come to the gate and enter:

Earth my body,
Water my blood,
Air my breath,
and Fire my spirit

Give people a Hawthorn leaf as they enter the gate.

People move around clockwise, forming a circle, with participants breaking off and going to their places.

Earth my body,
my blood,
Air my breath,
and Fire my spirit.

When everyone is in place, four quarters will lead everyone in spinning circle. Have everyone in circle chant while four corners lead all around in circle:

Earth my body,
Water my blood,
Air my breath,
and Fire my spirit.

(Chanted faster & faster until what is being said is:)

Body, blood, breath, spirit.

Priestess will call a hold to spinning; when all are still and quiet, quarters will be invoked.

Invocation of the elements:


We ask for the presence of
The sacred Fires
That dance within the form
Of every creation


We ask for the presence of
The sacred Earth
Bring forth your Harmony,
Richness, and Beauty.


We ask for the presence of
The sacred Waters
That fill the blessed cauldron
Of rebirth.


We ask for the presence of
The sacred Air
Whose winds bring us the voices
Of the Ancient Ones.


"The circle is cast,
We are between the worlds,
Beyond the bounds of time,
Where night and day,
Birth and death,
Joy and sorrow,
as one.
In a time that is not a time,
In a place that is not a place,
On a day that is not a day,
We stand at the threshold,
Between the worlds,
Before the veil of mysteries.
May the Ancient Ones help and protect us
On our magical journey."


"Dear Mother, we see you in the sun, the moon, and the earth. We know you in our hearts. Bless and guide us as we celebrate this night."

What is this night? (East)

"Tonight we are in the depths of the Hawthorn moon. Now is the time of setting our boundaries, both internal and external. There is no better fence than a hawthorn hedge. The thorns keep out intruders, yet give a sanctuary to the birds, most notably at this time of year, the crow, he who flies alone in the depths of night."

"The frail light of spring is gone, soon to be replaced by the burning, intense heat of summer and of the oak moon. This summer light will burn through our pretenses and expose our faults and weaknesses. Before we come to the door of oak we must learn the lesson of the Hawthorn, sending deep our roots and reaching high our branches that we may tempt the lightning flash without trepidation."

What is the meaning of this night? (West)

"In the moon of hawthorn it is necessary to set up boundaries, external and internal, in and around ourselves and our community. These separate us and protect us >from negative, unwanted outside energies and influences, which, if not held back, can become internalized."

"Although we may crave physical satisfactions more than ever, this moon is traditionally a time of sexual abstinence and fasting, and we may redirect this energy to the development of our inner spiritual self; focusing on regaining our internal balance."

"During hawthorn we have always cleaned the temples and purified the sacred places we have dedicated to the goddess and god. This place on which we meet is one of these sacred places and we purify and sanctify ourselves and the land in our celebration tonight."

Corners will pass out black feathers (going clockwise)...

As feathers are being passed out, say:

"The crow's feathers are caught on the outer thorns of the hawthorn hedge, while the bird seeks refuge inside. Take of these feathers, left behind on the hawthorn, to remind us..."

Wait till all have a feather and corners return:

"The hawthorn takes us deep inside ourselves like her sacred crow who flies alone in the heart of night's darkness. If we follow the crow, in quiet stillness, and tame our emotions we may hear her message, guiding us into the fullness of the year. If we are to be strong enough to withstand the lightning flash of oak, we must "clean our house" of the refuse of the first part of the year."

"Kneel or sit now. Take the feather in your hand and feel the stillness of the night around you. Close your eyes. Be still. Be quiet. Hear the lesson of the Hawthorn, borne on midnight wings."

"Touch the earth. Feel her strength beneath you, and know that that strength will sustain you through this passage."


"But we are not alone in this -- there is guidance; there is wisdom in the earth and in the sky. Open your eyes now to the stars above you, and know that the potential for your soul's greatness is as vast as the celestial realms."


"Listen now for the sound of the wind in the leaves, for the soft whisper of the voice of intuition which is your guide during this journey."


"Look now to the flame of the cauldron, and know that the passion and joy of creation are within your very heart. And that in the stillness of your thoughts you can hear the whispers of guidance which will direct you to the flame of the passion within your soul, that you may manifest on this earth the greatness and the vast potential of the spirit within you."


"This is the time to call on the silence within, for only in the darkest hours do the stars shine brightest. The gift of Hawthorn is to give you the greatest guidance. Hawthorn transforms us into the Night Crow, who with new-found courage, at night, flies alone."


Corners say:

Stand Up!! (loudly)

After all are standing, corners start:

How do we recognize ourselves on this night? (South)

"We are the transformed. We are the Crow, that flies alone. We do not surrender to our physical passions, nor are we overcome with the euphoria of the battle. We are the seekers of guidance... We are the guides."

Who helps us? (North)

"Our spiritual guides. We call these guides the Goddess."

What is our Goddess? (East)

"She is the earth, the air, the fire, the water. She is the source of all life."

Who is our Goddess? (West)

"She is the Virgin of Light, the Crone of Darkness, the Mother of Time."

Where is our Goddess? (North)

"She is all that ever was, that is, and that ever will be. She surrounds us, she guides us, she lives within us."

Who is our Goddess? (South)

"Behold, She is all the universe... but we find her in ourselves."


"Dear Mother, we offer our prayers and our energy for the healing and transforming of ourselves, and with us, this land and the planet."

Response: Let there be joy and healing.

"We ask that you guide us and protect us in our journeys, as we seek your wisdom."

Response: Let there be joy and healing.

"We ask for the healing of mankind and all our kindred on earth."

Response: Let there be joy and healing.

"We ask for the protection of this land from unwanted, destructive intruders, and for the healing of its energies."

Response: Let there be joy and healing.

"We ask that you guide us in your ways so that we may live in balance with ourselves and all that is created."

Response: Let there be joy and healing.

Water sharing - have 4 large goblets of water (swirled after circle is cast and swirled again after healing energies used). Persons at four corners will collect goblets from altar while HPS reads:

"Water is the life blood of the earth. And the Moon and Sun play the water of the earth as the heart courses the blood in our own veins. The earth's rivers and streams are her arteries and veins; her seas and oceans the womb from which new creation is made. The clouds and rain are the breath of the earth, which brings refreshed and renewed life."

"We of the Faerie Faith share of water to celebrate our unity with the living earth."

Four corners share water with each person in their quarter (clockwise).


"Share of my water, and know that as the rain, It is the bringer of life."
"Share of my water, and know that as the oceans and seas it is the womb of life."
"Share of my water, and know that as the clouds
It is the seeker, the traveler with a mission."

"I share of the water, and may all know that as the
streams and rivers, it is the shape changer,
destroyer of old, and at the same time,
through change, the creatrix of new."

"Knowing well that water is the essence of life,
We have shared and become one,
And now as one, we offer our lives to She
who is the Mother of all life,
In service and in love."

HPS pours some water on the ground.

"As a family we have gathered to share
with the elements; earth, water, fire and air.
From this circle of mystery we now depart,
To live in the circle of our Mother's heart.
Through our efforts may all life be one,
In her love...

Do Freddie, ring bell:

"It is done!"