Moondance 2011 Ritual

Dragon Hills
by Linda, skippy, & Stephen

Materials Needed:

3 hula hoops
Person in center: Linda

People to represent:

(Put person in center to say everything.)

(Put 3 hoops on ground, sort of around the center. These will be the three circles. Each circle will have one person in the middle, and four people to run around them. The rest of the participants will form one large circle around everyone, holding hands.)

(We'll do the 3 circles in the middle first. When the third person falls to the ground, the outer circle will begin chanting and moving. Four "ringers" in outer circle then step inwards to create inner circle.)

"These are changing times. The earth is changing, we are changing. Several of us have been affected by the recent tornadoes, either directly or indirectly. Many of us have physical or health problems, and many others have emotional or spiritual issues confronting us. What we will do tonight is a healing ritual. We will begin with three groups of people, who will represent the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing needs we all have." (Introduce each representative)

"These three groups will pull up energy and give it to the person in their midst. As these three groups raise their energy, those of you on the outside can also help raise and focus your energy inwards. As you send the energy, so shall you receive it."

"Then, when the last of the three inner groups have finished raising and sending their energy, the outer circle will begin to chant and move. As you do so, scoop the energy upwards from the earth, or inwards from the air around you, and focus it inwards, to the center of the circle. Send it in any form you care to - white light, love, peace ... Just send it. And when the peak has been reached, I will gather the energy and send it upwards and outwards - to all of you, and to all of the community who is in need."

"So take a moment, ground, and focus. If for any reason you don't feel up to this, you may step back from the circle and simply send peaceful thoughts. You can also pull out of the energy raising circle at any time if it becomes too much. And when I send the energy up and out, ground yourself and your energy by stopping and placing your hands on the ground."